This 2 day workshop is for Internal staff of Community and Oral Health, Metro North only.
The workshop provides strategies to increase intensity and amounts of practice in rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course(day 1) you should be able to:
• Outline the evidence for a dose-response relationship between amount of practice and outcomes
• Describe strategies to increase patient motivation and empowerment
• Describe effective instructions and feedback during practice
• Describe strategies to set up the environment for safe and effective semi-supervised practice
• Describe strategies to increase attendance and participation in classes
• Outline the evidence for and describe strategies to increase carer involvement in practice
• Outline the evidence for increasing adherence to independent exercise programmes
• Discuss and implement strategies to increase intensity of practice in your workplace
Day Two will focus on the practical implementation of the strategies discussed in Day One.
Participants will;
• Use case studies to divide practice into one to one, semi-supervised and independent
• Set up semi-supervised/ independent practice workstations
• Re-design their therapy spaces to increase semi-supervised practice opportunities
• Use peer review to refine their coaching skills
• Design or re-design classes and groups to increase participation and attendance
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of day 2, you should be able to:
• Divide patient practice into one to one, semi-supervised, independent practice
• Arrange a therapy, ward and/or home area to increase opportunities for safe and effective semi-supervised/independent practice
• Demonstrate strategies to increase the safety and effectiveness of semi-supervised practice
• Plan the implementation or improved implementation of groups/classes
• Implement strategies to increase attendance and participation in classes
Presenters: Dr. Simone Dorsch & Sarah Fitzhenry
Date: 4th & 5th April 2025
Venue: Level 2, Dolphin House
Brighton Health Campus, 449 Hornibrook Highway Brighton
Cost: No cost for internal staff
Enquiries: Sarah Fitzhenry