Upper Limb retraining (f2f), Melbourne, VIC

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PresentersAnnie McCluskey, occupational therapist, Karl Schurr, physiotherapist, and other associate StrokeEd Collaboration presenters

A 3-day practical workshop for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and allied health assistants.

Website informationhttps://strokeed.com/about-work…

Learning objectives: By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to:

  • Name the essential components of normal reach and manipulation
  • Recognise common compensations when observing stroke survivors attempting to grasp objects, and explain how to minimise compensatory strategies
  • Name and discuss factors thought to contribute to the development of muscle overactivity, spasticity and stiffness, and intervention strategies to help minimise these secondary problems
  • Explain the relationship and differences between overactivity, spasticity, muscle length changes and stiffness, missing essential components and compensations
  • Plan and conduct an assessment and training session with a stroke survivor using motor learning principles and task-specific practice
  • Discuss factors which affect motor learning, and can be modified to enhance learning and increase client practice
  • Use an electrical stimulation machine to stimulate upper limb muscles.
  • Discuss current evidence for constraint-induced movement therapy, mental practice, mirror box therapy and electrical stimulation for improving upper limb motor recovery

Pre-requisites: None. Suitable for students and recent graduates through to experienced clinicians.

Entry requirements: To participate in clinical sessions and work with stroke participants including inpatients during the workshop, registrants should be AHPRA registered occupational therapists / physiotherapists (or AHPRA registered student therapists), and will most likely be required to wear a face mask during clinical sessons (unless exempt, in which a face shield must be worn). Health requirements may be subject to change at short notice.

Number of registrants: Limited to 24 therapists because there are clinical sessions involving 8 stroke survivors and small groups of 3 therapists. The workshop presenters assist teams of therapists to assess and establish a training program for the 8 stroke survivors.

Pre-reading & homework: will be available from the StrokeEd website. Therapists are asked to start preparing 4-6 weeks before the event. Allow several hours for the homework. Pre-reading includes a book chapter and some analysis tasks.

Workshop manual including PowerPoint slides and worksheets will be provided in both electronic and hard (printed) copy.

Registration Fee:  $1,149.49 ($1,000 + $44.99 Booking fee + $104.50 GST)

Enquiries: Annie McCluskey  – Email: dranniemccluskey@gmail.com –  0419 447 738

Local enquiries:  Belinda Woods  – Email: Belinda.Woods@mh.org.au

Register and pay here via Humanitix: https://events.humanitix.com/ul-f2f-melbourne-2025

NB Therapists or their employer can request an invoice via the Humanitix platform at the time of ticket payment if you do not wish to pay via credit card online; in that case an invoice will be emailed to the preferred contact person, for payment within 7 days via the StrokeEd bank account (or the ticket will be cancelled).

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