Course Learning outcomes
At the completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
- Describe a structured approach to the analysis of activity limitations in reach, grasp and manipulation tasks after stroke
- Outline the evidence base for rehabilitation of the affected arm after stroke
- Describe evidence-based training strategies to increase strength in very weak arm muscles and for intensive task training for the affected arm after stroke
- Describe evidence-based strategies to prevent and treat secondary impairments of the affected arm after stroke
At the completion of Week 1, the participant should be able to:
- Define biomechanics, kinematics and kinetics
- Identify the major muscle groups of the arm and the role of each key muscle
- Name the ICF levels and apply these concepts to movement analysis
- Describe the contribution of impairments to activity limitations after stroke
- Outline a structured clinical reasoning approach to the analysis of movement problems of the arm after stroke
At the completion of Week 2, the participant should be able to:
- Describe the normal biomechanics of reach (transport and pre-shaping), grasp and manipulation
- Apply a structured process to the analysis of movement problems of the arm after stroke including the following steps;
- identify the kinematic deviations (compensations and missing essential components)
- hypothesise about the potential impairments
- propose testing strategies to determine the causes of the kinematic deviations
At the completion of Week 3, the participant should be able to:
- Outline the appraisal of and interpretation of results from systematic reviews
- Outline the evidence for interventions to improve strength and activity of the affected arm after stroke
- Describe strategies to increase strength in very weak muscles of the affected arm after stroke
At the completion of Week 4, the participant should be able to:
- Describe task specific training strategies to improve hand co-ordination
- Outline the evidence for interventions to prevent or manage secondary impairments and spasticity of the affected arm after stroke
At the completion of Week 5, the participant should be able to:
- Describe evidence-based coaching principles including effective instructions, feedback and environment structure to optimise motor learning
- Describe strategies to increase intensity and amounts of practice after stroke
- Discuss strategies for practice change within their workplace
Course Content
Introduction to the StrokeEd Upper Limb MOOC