Lecture: Introduction to upper limb constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT)

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** This event is now fully subscribed, with a maximum of 500 registrants per event. The 20 waiting list places are also full. The lecture will be recorded and made accessible via this website in November (See Resource Collection) for anyone who cannot attend live, or missed out on registering **

Description:    Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is recommended in Australian stroke guidelines as an evidence-based therapy for arm recovery, yet national audits show that only 12% of eligible stroke survivors receive CIMT. Barriers to CIMT delivery include limited knowledge, skills, confidence, personnel and equipment. This presentation will describe what should be included in a CIMT program [beyond a mitt], how to structure and progress training over two weeks, how to measure change and overcome common barriers to delivery particularly in public health settings. Lauren successfully helped nine public health services in Sydney to implement CIMT with stroke and brain injury survivors, as part of her PhD.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the presentation, learners will be able to:

• Identify people that are suitable for CIMT

• Name and describe the key components of CIMT which include shaping, functional task practice, mitt wearing and a transfer package

• Identify the resources needed to deliver CIMT with fidelity including staff, space and equipment

• Name outcome measures that are commonly used before and after a CIMT program

• Identify online educational resources that can be used to prepare for delivery of CIMT programs

• Describe the pros and cons of different models of CIMT delivery including 1:1, group and online/virtual

Time: 6pm-7pm AEDT

* London/ UK/ Ireland BST = 7am / Copenhagen = 8am / Brisbane = 5pm / Perth = 3pm / Adelaide = 5.30pm / Auckland = 8pm / Singapore = 3pm

Presenter: This 1-hr webinar will be presented by: Dr Lauren Christie PhD BAppSc (OT )

Occupational Therapist & Associate Member, The StrokeEd Collaboration
Senior Implementation Science Research Fellow- Allied Health at St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney, NSW.

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