CLOSED CANADIAN EVENT – for Ottawa therapists only
Overview: This online workshop teaches therapists how to minimise upper limb impairments post-stroke and increase engagement in activities.
Dates: 11th and 18th Dec 2023; 22nd Jan 2024 (16.00-20.00PM Ottawa time, 3 x 4-hr sessions)
Target audience: Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, allied health assistants. No pre-requisites.
Part 1: Movement analysis, 4-hrs:
Examples of features to observe when a person reaches to grasp and manipulate objects such as a cup or cutlery. Common compensations or kinematic deviations will be highlighted due to weakness and/or loss of coordination, using slow motion video analysis.
Part 2: Retraining people who are very weak, 4-hrs:
Examples of strength and task-specific training of the shoulder, arm and hand, which stroke survivors can practice independently including shoulder protraction, forward flexion, external rotation, wrist and finger extension, supination and thumb abduction. Interventions for eliciting movement will include mirror therapy, mental practice and electrical stimulation. Emphasis will be placed on semi-supervised and independent practice, enabling up to 300 repetitions per hour without manual guidance. Evidence will be presented supporting each intervention.
Part 3: Retraining advanced hand coordination, 4-hrs:
Examples will be presented targeting tasks of importance to stroke survivors including cutlery use, handwriting and haircare. Interventions will include task-specific training, mirror therapy, electrical stimulation, mental practice and constraint-induced movement therapy. Evidence will be presented supporting each intervention.
Presenters: Dr Annie McCluskey (OT), Karl Schurr (PT), Dr Emma Schneider (OT), Dr Lauren Christie (OT)
Enquiries and registrations: Laura Dunn (email:, Administrative Assistant/Adjointe administrative, Champlain Regional Stroke Network, The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, CPC Main N, Box 608, Rm 29, 1053 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9. Tel: 613-798-5555 x 16153