Analysis and training of walking after stroke (online) by Dansk Selskab for Neurologisk Fysioterapi (Danish Association of Neurological Physiotherapy).

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This workshop will outline a clinical reasoning process for the analysis and training of walking after stroke
Please note: This workshop is run for the DANISH NEUROLOGY GROUP only.

Workshop format

This workshop will be presented over 2 x 4-hr sessions. This workshop is being run for the Dansk Selskab for Neurologisk Fysioterapi (Danish Association of Neurological Physiotherapy). 

Participants will be asked to complete homework before each session.

The workshop will be run via Zoom from 6pm to 10pm Sydney, Australia time (morning in Denmark).

Target audience:

Physiotherapists, occupational therapists and exercise physiologists who work with people with neurological conditions and/or older people in inpatient, outpatient or community settings, in private or public settings.

Learning outcomes

At the completion of this workshop, participants should be able to;

  • Explain the kinematics and kinetics of walking
  • Identify common kinematic deviations seen in people with stroke during walking
  • Discuss potential impairments that can contribute to common kinematic deviations seen in people with stroke during walking
  • Describe evidence-based training strategies to address the common kinematic deviations seen in people with stroke when walking

Workshop content

The homework for Session 1 includes watching recorded lectures about the biomechanics of walking, the contribution of impairments post-stroke to walking problems, and optional content on the biomechanics of the trunk, spasticity after stroke and strength after stroke.

Session 1 covers the following content:

• consolidation of walking biomechanics

• video analysis

• prioritising kinematic deviations

• listing potential impairments

• Identifying strategies for testing the contribution of impairments to kinematic deviations

The homework for Session 2 includes recorded lecture content on evidence-based training of walking after stroke. Attendees will be asked to prepare a case study of a stroke survivor’s walking, with identification and prioritisation of the kinematic deviations, description of the testing strategies used and conclusions about priorities for training.

Session 2 contains:

  • Presentation of case studies
  • Features of effective training:
  1. Delivery of practice
  2. Amounts of practice
  3. Progression of practice
  4. Measurement
  5. Application of principles of effective training to case studies


Karl Schurr – Karl is a physiotherapy clinician, researcher and educator. He has over 30+ years’ experience in stroke, brain injury and aged care rehabilitation in Australia and the UK.Research and publications: Karl has published 27 peer reviewed journal articles and been awarded over $1 million in research funding. His research focuses on methods to increase exercise intensity, dosage, and evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions for stroke survivors and older people.

Dr Simone Dorsch – Simone is a physiotherapy clinician, researcher and educator. She has 20+ years experience in stroke, brain injury and aged care rehabilitation. Simone is a senior lecturer at the Australian Catholic University in North Sydney.Research and publications: Simone has published many peer reviewed journal articles. Her research focuses on the relationship between loss of strength and activity limitations and strategies to increase amounts of practice in rehabilitation

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