Upper Limb Retraining (F2F) – Concentric Rehabilitation Centre Midland (Perth, WA)

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This 3-day (face-to-face) evidenced-based upper limb retraining workshop is designed for occupational Therapists, physiotherapists and allied health assistants
More information about the workshop, including learning outcomes and timetable can be found HERE. The workshop has been rescheduled from 2021.
Presenters: Karl Schurr (Physiotherapist) and Annie McCluskey (Occupational Therapist)
To register for the workshop you need to:

1. Complete the registration form found HERE

2. Pay for the event via Eventbrite

** Fully subscribed *** (with a waiting list)

Contact person: Heidi Miller – heidi.miller@concentricrehab.com.au

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