How to use groups to increase the amount of UL practice in rehabilitation

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1-hr webinar – How to use groups to increase the amount of upper limb practice in rehabilitation

Description: This StrokeEd lecture in May 2023 will describe how to use groups to increase the amount of upper limb practice undertaken in an inpatient rehabilitation setting. Emma Schneider explores how professional development programs and targeted implementation meetings have the potential to influence staff behaviour. Factors to consider when structuring a group program as well as common considerations and adaptations to providing group based training will also be discussed.

Time: 6pm-7pm AEST

* London/ UK/ Ireland BST = 9am / Copenhagen = 10am / Brisbane = 6pm / Perth = 4pm / Adelaide = 5.30pm / Auckland = 8pm / Singapore = 4pm

Learning objectives: By the end of the presentation, attendees should be able to:

  • Understand how groups / semisupervised practice can increase the amount of practice provided in rehabilitation
  • Learn how a professional development program and targeted implementation meetings increased the intensity of practice
  • Discuss strategies to adapt group sessions in response to organisational/infection control barriers

This 1-hr webinar will be presented by: Dr Emma Schneider PhD, MOT, BBNSc – Occupational Therapist & Associate Member, The StrokeEd Collaboration

Adjunct Research Associate, Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University

(This lecture will be recorded and available via the StrokeEd website)

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