Recommended pre-reading will be provided. The workshop will be online and conducted over three Tuesdays:
Dates: Tues 1st March, Tues 8th March* (AEDT) & Tues 5th April 2022 (AEST)
Cost: $428.44 (includes GST and Eventbrite admin fee)
Time: 18.00-22.00pm*
* London/ UK/ Ireland BST = 7am / Copenhagen = 8am / Brisbane = 5pm / Perth = 3pm / Adelaide = 5.30pm / Auckland = 8pm / Singapore = 3pm – CLOCKS CHANGE ON DIFFERENT DATES IN EACH COUNTRY DURING APRIL
Learning Objectives: By the end of the workshop, learners will be able to:
• Identify people that are eligible for CIMT
• Name and describe the key components of CIMT which include shaping, functional task practice, mitt wearing and a transfer package
• Identify the resources needed to deliver CIMT with fidelity including staff, space and equipment
• Name outcome measures that are commonly used before and after a CIMT program
• Identify online educational resources that can be used to prepare for delivery of CIMT programs
• Describe the pros and cons of different models of CIMT delivery including 1:1, group and online/virtual
Occupational therapists, physiotherapists and any health professional intending to offer a 2-3 week CIMT upper limb program to clients with stroke or brain injury
Part 1: What is CIMT; eligibility; evidence; shaping; functional task practice; mitt wearing; transfer package; online resources; homework tasks for registrants
Part 2: Review of registrants homework tasks and planning for CIMT; daily timetable/schedule; completing daily Motor Activity Log; models of delivery (1:1 or group; clinic-based or home-based or telehealth); outcome measures; necessary equipment; space; gaining management approval; personnel; problem solving and Q&A online support from a community of practice.
Part 3: Follow-up to discuss how registrants managed implementing their CIMT programs, Q&A and problem solving session, online support from a community of practice.
Dr Lauren Christie PhD BAppSc (OT ) Occupational Therapist & Associate Member, The StrokeEd Collaboration. Senior Implementation Science Research Fellow- Allied Health at St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Dr Annie McCluskey PhD MA DipCOT, Occupational therapist and Director, The StrokeEd Collaboration. Honorary Senior Lecturer, Sydney School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia