Movement analysis and clinical reasoning in neurological rehabilitation

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1-hr webinar – Movement analysis in neurological rehab: a science-based framework for clinical decision making

Description: In this presentation Kate will explore clinical decision-making in neurological rehabilitation, with a foundation in movement analysis. Clinical examples of walking and upper limb analysis will be discussed.

NB: this lecture a repeat of the Concentric Rehabilitation webinar presented by Kate in 2021.

Time: 6pm-7pm AEST

* London/ UK/ Ireland BST = 9am / Copenhagen = 10am / Brisbane = 6pm / Perth = 4pm / Adelaide = 5.30pm / Auckland = 8pm / Singapore = 4pm

Learning objectives: By the end of the presentation, attendees should be able to;

  • Describe a procedure for movement analysis and therapy decision-making using kinesiology, biomechanics and evidence-based practice
  • Apply the movement analysis procedure to an upper limb and lower limb case example

This 1-hr webinar will be presented by: Dr Kate Scrivener PhD BAppSci(Physio).

Senior Lecturer , Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Allied Health Clinical Lead, Concentric Rehabilitation Centre (Sydney), and Director, the StrokeEd Collaboration

(This lecture will be recorded and available via the StrokeEd website in late April)

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