Upper Limb retraining – NeuroRehab, Melbourne, VIC

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** This workshop is fully subscribed with several therapists already on the waiting list (at 28 Oct 2024) **

The next Melbourne, VIC workshop is from 12-14 Sept 2025, at the Royal Melbourne Hospital – link below for information and to register:



Presenters: Dr Annie McCluskey & Dr Liana Cahill, occupational therapists & Karl Schurr, physiotherapist, The StrokeEd Collaboration, Australia

A 3-day practical workshop for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and allied health assistants.

Website informationhttps://strokeed.com/about-work…

Learning objectives: By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to:

  • Name the essential components of normal reach and manipulation
  • Recognise common compensations when observing stroke survivors attempting to grasp objects, and explain how to minimise compensatory strategies
  • Name and discuss factors thought to contribute to the development of muscle overactivity, spasticity and stiffness, and intervention strategies to help minimise these secondary problems
  • Explain the relationship and differences between overactivity, spasticity, muscle length changes and stiffness, missing essential components and compensations
  • Plan and conduct an assessment and training session with a stroke survivor using motor learning principles and task-specific practice
  • Discuss factors which affect motor learning, and can be modified to enhance learning and increase client practice
  • Use an electrical stimulation machine to stimulate upper limb muscles.
  • Discuss current evidence for constraint-induced movement therapy, mental practice, mirror box therapy and electrical stimulation for improving upper limb motor recovery

Pre-requisites: None. Suitable for students and recent graduates through to experienced clinicians.

Number of registrants: Limited to 24 therapists because there are clinical sessions involving 8 stroke survivors and small groups of 3 therapists. The workshop presenters assist teams of therapists to assess and establish a training program for the 8 stroke survivors.

Pre-reading & homework: will be available from the StrokeEd website. Therapists are asked to start preparing 4-6 weeks before the event. Allow several hours for the homework particularly if English is not your primary language. Pre-reading includes a book chapter and some analysis tasks.

Workshop manual including PowerPoint slides and worksheets will be provided in electronic format only; therapists will receive a link to the e-copy on the StrokeEd website, with password, and can print a copy of the manual to bring.

Venue: NeuroRehab Allied Health Network, Deer Park Clinic, 3 Canterbury St, Deer Park, Melbourne

Registration: $1,090

Enquiries: Angela Mucic, Chief Allied Health Officer, NeuroRehab Allied Health Network, angela.m@nrah.com.au

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