Additional Resources

‘20 Reps a Day aren’t going to cut it’

By |November 23rd, 2021|Categories: Practice Tips|Tags: , , , |

Brian is a stroke survivor who reflects on amounts of practice in this inspiring Blog. Brian understands that change is not achieved without doing significant numbers of repetitions of practice and here he describes some of his achievements in amounts of practice and the changes he has made to his right leg strength and his ability to walk. Read [...]

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Resources for Tele-rehab

By |April 1st, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources|

With the current COVID-19 crisis many Stroke survivors and people with people with mobility problems are receiving less inpatient or outpatient rehab and being offered Tele-rehab instead. StrokeEd aims to produce resources to help clinicians to move into this new type of delivery of rehab. There are some excellent resources about the logistics of [...]

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Spasticity Part 4

By |September 7th, 2019|Categories: Movement Analysis & Biomechanics|

Distinguishing between stiffness, contracture and spasticity There are many secondary complications or adaptations which may (or may not) occur after stroke including.  These can include neural (eg hypertonicity) and non-neural adaptations (eg stiffness, contracture, excessive muscle activity associated with compensatory strategies and early skill acquisition).  Because of the lack of agreement about what spasticity [...]

Spasticity Part 3

By |August 31st, 2019|Categories: Movement Analysis & Biomechanics|

Disagreement about the Lance spasticity definition A proposed alternative definition of spasticity by Pandyan et al.   Over the years there has been reluctance to accept the Lance definition of spasticity.  This reluctance seems to arise from the observation that there are many changes to the sensori-motor system that may occur after a stroke.  [...]


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