** Three vacancies remaining (as at 12 Oct 2024) ** Presenters: Annie McCluskey, occupational therapist & Karl Schurr, physiotherapist, The StrokeEd Collaboration, Australia A 3-day practical workshop for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and allied health assistants. Website information: https://strokeed.com/about-work… Learning objectives: By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to: Name the essential components of normal [...]
Presenters: Annie McCluskey occupational therapist & Karl Schurr, physiotherapist, The StrokeEd Collaboration, Australia A 3-day practical workshop for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and allied health assistants. Website information: https://strokeed.com/about-work... Learning objectives: By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to: Name the essential components of normal reach and manipulation Recognise common compensations when observing stroke survivors attempting [...]
A 3-day face-to-face workshop for occupational therapists and physiotherapists Presenters: Dr Annie McCluskey, occupational therapist and Karl Schurr, physiotherapist, The StrokeEd Collaboration, Australia Website information: https://strokeed.com/about-workshops/evidence-based-upper-limb-retraining/ Learning objectives: By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to: Name the essential components of normal reach and manipulation Recognise common compensations when observing stroke [...]
Presenters: Annie McCluskey, occupational therapist, Karl Schurr, physiotherapist, and other associate StrokeEd Collaboration presenters A 3-day practical workshop for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and allied health assistants. Website information: https://strokeed.com/about-work... Learning objectives: By the end of the 3 days, participants will be able to: Name the essential components of normal reach and manipulation Recognise common compensations when observing stroke survivors attempting [...]